
Shiloh Walker Talks to Us: How Writing is Like…

The Brat is back, this time with a new WIP. Wanna win a Bratty book? Details below.

Giving directions to your husband while going on a road trip…WITHOUT GPS.

You see, I know where I want to go. On the road trip. In the book.

On a road trip, it’s usually a bookstore, or a library, or a mall, in some town I haven’t visited before, or it’s been a long time since my last visit.

I know where I want to go. I just am not very sure on how to get there. It usually involves me scouring a map, looking for cross streets, checking on the printed directions from Google maps…and then me shouting at the last second, That’s where we gotta turn.

He acts like I do it on purpose. Hey, I can’t help the road doesn’t lead where I think it should.

Same with my story.

I know where I want to go. I’m just not sure how to get there. Even with outlines, notes, bouncing ideas off a friend’s head, I’m not too sure of the road I need to take. I think it’s this road, but this road doesn’t lead to that one after all and that one is the road I need to be on.

But my husband ought to consider himself lucky. Because in a story? Usually when I see the road I need, it’s always in hindsight. Like oh say… 30, 40, 50 pages past the turning point that I didn’t see until it was too late. Last minute is better than way after, right?

So in the story, I have to back track. And I realize there are other twists in the plot (roads) that I do need to keep, but I need to figure out how to work them in while still arriving where I need to be…when I need to be there…and without missing any of the other vital things.

My husband keeps telling me I need to learn to read a map. I think I’m just fine-we’ve got a GARMIN now. What I really need is some sort of GARMIN for authors-one that will spit out helpful little things like… Important plot turn in 5 pages, 4 pages, 3 pages, 2 pages…on the next page you need to work on a new plot development.

Somehow, I don’t see it happening.

Shiloh Walker’s latest release is Through The Veil. Excerpt coming up!

Contest: I’ll buy one lucky person a copy of any Bratty Book that you can find on Fictionwise up to 6USD.

8 Responses to “Shiloh Walker Talks to Us: How Writing is Like…”

  1. June 2, 2008 at 3:06 pm

    I have something for you on my blog.

  2. June 2, 2008 at 8:54 pm

    *G* Okay.

    I had to comment here…

    the possibly related posts that WordPress generated?

    The dog book. Always the dog book. You type in SHILOH and you get the dog book.

    Possibly related posts: (automatically generated)

    * These Are Fun To Do #1
    * Shiloh Emmons
    * Shiloh the Dog Talks About Past Lives & Our World

  3. June 2, 2008 at 10:54 pm


    But it reminds me that I need to turn that thing off.

    I do need a Garmin for my writing. It would be awfully nice to just know I’m supposed to be going in the general direction of north AND that I am actually going in the general direction of north.

  4. 4 Becky
    June 4, 2008 at 3:35 pm

    Growing up my mother was what I like to call directionally challenged and navigationally impaired. She would have LOVED a GPS. Instead she had my brother and me. It was our job to know where the car was parked so we didn’t have to get a security guard to drive us around the mall parking lot hoping to spot the lost car. How very embarassing for a teenager! But a GPS for writing, great idea!! But that computer might not need authors. THAT would be BAD!!!
    Love the blog!

  5. June 8, 2008 at 1:19 am

    LOL you got me cracking up. I don’t think I’m that bad with maps but reading a map with a man in the seat, hmmm….

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